Prototypes delivered

Decentralized Software Development Using Blockchain

The fifth project carried out by the Information Systems students was the development of decentralized software using blockchain, with the aim of presenting innovative solutions to the project partners through the use of technology.

2023 - 1st Quarter

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PROBLEM: Encouraging access to shared "self-insurance".

OBJECTIVE: To implement an MVP of an ethereum blockchain protocol and a web3 application that allows the operation and validation in production of the basic processes of a simple peer-to-peer insurance arrangement, or mutual insurance group so that each mutual group created is a DAO in Ethereum, maintaining in the smart contract itself the financial reserves ("treasury") through some digital currency with stable value that implements the ERC-20 standard.

PUBLIC: General public


2024 - 1st Quarter

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PROBLEM:Lack of a solution to validate prices in a safe and innovative way

OBJECTIVE:Create a flow that ensures blockchain-based price quotations

AUDIENCE:The company's product team