Prototypes delivered

IDE for Ebarcado System

The eighth project carried out by our Computer Science students was the development of an IDE for embedded systems, with the aim of presenting innovative solutions to the project partners through the use of technology.

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PROBLEM: Occupational therapy does not yet have as much technological investment to improve the lives of patients through assistive technologies.

OBJECTIVE: Sensory mat to stimulate people with mild neurological disorders and support them so that they can perform better in Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and everyday praxis.

PUBLIC: Occupational therapy and innovation team


usp mecidin logo

PROBLEM: Create real, low-cost solutions to support medical treatment using assistive technologies

OBJECTIVE:To develop an assistive technology device to facilitate interaction with the environment in order to highlight the existing abilities of children with ASD in Occupational Therapy care, through playful strategies related to sensory integration, promoting innovative interventions for this population.

PUBLIC: The institute's therapy team