Academic Production

We value academic research as a fundamental tool for driving technological innovation and making a significant contribution to economic and social development.

Research at Inteli is predominantly technological in nature. Our pedagogical model is designed so that each course module functions as a technological development project, starting with a real market demand and continuing with a robust theoretical study. 

Students are encouraged to explore and apply the knowledge acquired to develop innovative solutions, the results of which are documented in technical reports.

Both students and professors at Inteli are actively involved in conducting academic research, resulting in the publication of scientific articles in renowned journals and conferences. This research contributes to advancing knowledge in our fields of expertise and reinforces Inteli's commitment to academic excellence and innovation.

Mutual Insurance with Smart Contracts via Blockchain.

Hayashi, V., Penha, R., Silva, G., Vieira, L., Ferreira, L., Muarrek, R., Dias, S., Oliveira, V. (2023).

7th Regional Workshop on Information and Computer Systems Security (WRSeg 2023), pp. 79-84, SBC.

Case Study: Development of Digital Games to Promote Financial Education.

Vieira, L., Penha, R., Paiva, H. (2023).

23rd National Congress of Scientific Initiation - CONIC - SEMESP.

Integrating Open Innovation and PBL in the Development of a Robotic Arm: Transforming Engineering Education.

Valdo, L. (2024)

2nd International Congress of Open Innovation Cases.

Awaiting publication

Game Lab: Using Project Based Learning in Game Development as a Methodology for Integration and Learning.

Aragao, A., Santos, F., Coutinho, G., Torres, G., Oliveira, F.

Extended Proceedings of the XXIII Brazilian Symposium on Games and Digital Entertainment (SBGames). SBC, 2024. SBC.

Awaiting publication

Mutual Insurance with Smart Contracts: A Blockchain Application Case.

Hayashi, V. T., Penha, R., Silva, G. de M. da, Vieira, L. de B., Ferreira, L. A. P. de C. F., Muarrek, R. O. G., Dias, S. M., & Oliveira, V. M. de. (2024).

Revista Contemporânea, 4(7), e4924 .

Comparative analysis of the conformity of the desktop homes of Meu SUS Digital, Cadúnico and Meu INSS to Design System version 3.5.1.

Azevedo Neto, M., Cestari, G.

Proceedings of the 15th Brazilian Congress of Research and Development in Design. 2024.

Awaiting publication

Technological tools for project management in the digital transformation context.

Gonçalves, M., Penha, R., da Silva, L., Kniess, C., & Bizzarias, F. (2023).

Concilium, 23(5), 381-397.

Gay For Pay: A critique of the monetization of queer affections.

Goulart, L. A.; Stateri, J.

In: Intercom - 46th Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences.

Fashion retail: overcoming operational challenges with operational research.

Kloeckner, N.V.R.(2024).

In: XLIV National Meeting of Production Engineering. Reindustrialization in Brazil. Rio Grande do Sul: ABEPRO.

Awaiting publication

Perception of a community on the risks of exposure to hospital waste in Belém - PA, Brazil.

Fagundes, A. H. A., Josino, L. P. C., Silva, M. A. M., Costa, R. A. da, Lima, W. D. L. de, Pereira, S. de F. P., Souza, A. M. F. de, Brandão, A. C. L., & Sousa Junior, P. M. de. (2024).

Revista De Gestão E Secretariado, 15(7), e4021.

Rains, Tragedies and Media Coverage: Analysis of Floods In Rio Grande do Sul.

Oliveira, F. M., Holanda, T. C., Ramalho, A. L. de O. S., Kloeckner, N. V. da R., Moura, I. E. M. O. de, Ricarte, T. L., & Ribeiro, K. V. (2024).

Journal of Social and Environmental Management, 18(4), e06861.

Project-Based Higher Education in Computing: Inteli on the road to innovation.

Valente, J. A, Santoro, F. M., Bittencourt, I. I, Garcia, M., Isotani, S., Araújo, D. P., Garcia, A., Habimorad, M.

Brazilian Journal of Informatics in Education. 2025.

Awaiting publication

Educational Computer Games for Burn Prevention and First Aid Awareness.

Paiva, H.M., André, C.F., Camargo, C.P., Stateri, J., Chiovato, A.G., Paiva, J.P.L.M., Carvalho, G.L. (2025).

Entertainment Computing, Vol 52, 100902.

Gender and Socioeconomic Influences on Academic Performance in PBL Computing Education.

Santos, P.F., Barros, V.A.M., Paiva, H.M., Santoro, F.M. (2025)

IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON2025), p. 1-5. In press.

Awaiting publication

ChatGPT Calls for Self Reflection: Student Perceptions of Evaluation Activities in Video

Hayashi, V.T, Paiva, H.M. (2024)

IEEE TALE - International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering, p.1-5. In press.

Awaiting publication

Active learning in STEM education: an approach combining flipped classroom and dialogic teaching.

Paiva, H.M., Hayashi, V.T., Santoro, F.M., Paiva, J.P.L.M., Garcia, M. (2025)

IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON2025), p. 1-10. In press.

Awaiting publication

Optimizing production in times of crisis: a teaching case applied to the três irmãos industry.

Kloeckner, N. V R.; Morais, D. M. G; Teixeira, K. M. G. (2024)

In: IFSP International Congress on Logistics and Operations. Suzano - SP.

Awaiting publication

The path of complexity: how a Multi-User Journey can offer a holistic educational vision of an integrated business management system.

Stateri, J.; Alho, D.


Awaiting publication

Simplex Algorithm with Column Generation for a Cutting Stock Problem in the Paper Industry.

Barros, V. A. M, Paiva, H. M. (2024)

Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Operational Research (SBPO), Fortaleza, p. 1-9.

Using Artificial Intelligence to teach music to deaf children.

Benites, C; Silveira, I.F. (2024).

In: Workshop on Informatics at School (WIE), 25, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings.

Awaiting publication

Implementation of agile methodology for team building in the context of startups.

Carvalo, M.Z.; Penha, R.; Calheira, E.C.D; Gonçalves, M.L.A. Marcelo Luiz do Amaral.

In: SINGEP - International Symposium on Project Management, Innovation and Sustainability; CIK - CYRUS Institute of Knowledge, 12., 2024, São Paulo. Proceedings [...]. São Paulo: UNINOVE, 2024.

Awaiting publication

Digital personal loan implementation project at a Brazilian financial institution: a technical report.

Rocha, C.C.; Penha, R.; Silva, G.A.N.,; Rocha, C.C.P.

In: SINGEP - International Symposium on Project Management, Innovation and Sustainability; CIK - CYRUS Institute of Knowledge, 12., 2024, Online. Proceedings [...]. São Paulo: UNINOVE, 2024.

Awaiting publication

Improving payment settlement processes in benefit management companies: a lean approach to reducing risks and increasing customer satisfaction.

Silva, G.A.N.; Penha, R., Rocha, C.C; Costa Filho, J.R..

In: SINGEP - International Symposium on Project Management, Innovation and Sustainability; CIK - CYRUS Institute of Knowledge, 12., 2024, Online. Proceedings [...]. São Paulo: UNINOVE, 2024.

Awaiting publication

Implementation of the National Social Security Institute's benefits payroll project at a private bank.

Rocha, C.C.P.; Penha, R.; Carvalho, M.Z.; Feitosa, D..

In: SINGEP - International Symposium on Project Management, Innovation and Sustainability; CIK - CYRUS Institute of Knowledge, 12., 2024, Online. Proceedings [...]. São Paulo: UNINOVE, 2024.

Awaiting publication

Transdisciplinarity in Higher Education.

Kloeckner, N.V.R.(2024).

In: XXVII SemeAd. São Paulo.

Awaiting publication

Cross-media strategy in social networks: engagement metrics.

Miakawa, L. A.; Kloeckner, N. V R. (2024)

In: I International Congress of Luso-Brazilian Management and Engineering (CIGELUBRA).

Awaiting publication